B.B.King Live The blues is back

B.B.King Live The blues is back
Год выпуска: 2006
Продолжительность: 140 минут
Категория: Западные исполнители, Музыка
Качество записи: DVD
Цена: 188 руб.

Mandbattan Blues
Two I Sboot Blues
Mr. King Comes On Stage
Why I Sing The Blues
I need You So
Bad Case of Love
Blues Man
When love comes to town
All Over Again
Just Like a woman
A wbole lot of loving
Don`t Answer the door
You are my sunsbine
Darling, you know i love you
Rock me baby
Key to the highway
The thrill is gone
Guess who
When the saints
Go marching in

Bonus material:
Behind the scenes:
Making the DVD
A message from
B.B. to his fans

A dollarhide film Production

R1, DVD9, NTSC, 16:9

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