Anna Netrebko The woman The voic

Anna Netrebko The woman The voic
Год выпуска: 2003
Продолжительность: 133 минут
Категория: Западные исполнители, Музыка
Качество записи: DVD
Цена: 206 руб.

Here is a singer who simply has it all: a voice of astounding purity, precision, and scope, extensive dynamic and tonal range, imagination, insight, and wit - all combined with a dazzling charisma.

The American choreographer-director Vincent Paterson has set to film five arias from Anna Netrebko's acclaimed debut album for Deutsche Grammophon - a diverse collection of classic soprano arias - set as provocative and entertaining music clips with interviews interspersed throughout. This unique DVD project captures Anna Netrebko's beauty on screen and offers a variety of special features, such as the "making of the video, interviews, picture gallery and excerpts from Anna's live opera performances in Vienna, Munich and St Petersburg.

R2, DVD9, 16:9, NTSC

Диск полностью озвучен на русском
языке закадровым многоголосым
Фильм - LPCM2.0 , DD5.1
Фильм о фильме и интервью - DD2.0
Издание серии RV - русская версия.

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