Blind Guardian - Imaginations Through The Looking Glass

Blind Guardian - Imaginations Through The Looking Glass
Год выпуска: 2004
Категория: Музыка
Режиссер: Blind Guardian
Качество записи: DVD
Цена: 130 руб.

1. War of Wrath
2. Time Stands Still
3. Banish from Sanctuary
4. Nightfall
5. The Script for my Requiem
6. Valhalla
7. A Past and Future Secret
8. Punishment Divine
9. Mordred's Song
10. The Last Candle
11. Bright Eyes
12. Lord of the Rings
13. I'm Alive
14. Another Holy War
15. And then there was Silence
16. Somewhere far Beyond
17. The Bard's Song (in the Forest)
18. Imaginations from the other Side
19. And the Story Ends
20. Mirror Mirror

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