A Woodstock reunion concert -- 20 years after

A Woodstock reunion concert -- 20 years after
Год выпуска: 2000
Продолжительность: 147 минут
Категория: Музыка
Режиссер: Woodstock
Качество записи: DVD
Цена: 130 руб.

20 Years After, A Woodstock Reunion Concert, isitheiultimate video trip. Nearly twenty years after theioriginal Woodstock music festival, theibiggest namesiin rock were brought backito recapture theimood andisound of that historic event. Led byipsychedelic tour guide, Dr. Timothy Leary, come be immersediin theisights, sounds, andimusic of theiWoodstock era!

20 Years After isia unique event that brings you theiessence of theieraias it has never been experienced before. This three volume collectible set will define theiWoodstock eraifor yearsito come.

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