Charlie Haden 2in1(full version) - Marsalis Family, Festival International de JAZZ de Montreal

Charlie Haden 2in1(full version) - Marsalis Family, Festival International de JAZZ de Montreal
Год выпуска: 2004
Категория: Музыка
Режиссер: Charlie HadenMarsalis Family
Качество записи: DVD
Цена: 130 руб.

Opening, Nkosisikelel Afrika, Drean keeper, Feliciano Ama, Canto Del Pilon, Hynm of the anarchist, spirirtial, End Credits.

The suerrey, After, Sultry serenade, Cain and abel, caravan, Saint james infirmary, Lamhouse bluem, swingin at the haven, Nostalgic Impresasion, Struttin with some Barbecu, twelves it, The party's over

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