Sting A Winters Night Live From Durham Cathedral (Blu-ray)

Sting A Winters Night Live From Durham Cathedral (Blu-ray)
Год выпуска: 2009
Продолжительность: 88 минут
Категория: Blu-ray disc, Западные исполнители, Музыка
Качество записи: Blu-ray
Цена: 306 руб.

Sting: A Winter s Night...Live from Durham Cathedral places the artist in the unique setting of England s most famous cathedral. This majestic live performance captures the mood and spirit of the season with a diverse collection of songs, carols and lullabies spanning the centuries.

Track List:
01. The Snow It Melts The Soonest
02. Gabriel's Message
03. Soul Cake
04. There Is No Rose Of Such Virtue
05. Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming
06. Christmas At Sea
07. Now Winter Comes Slowly
08. Cold Song
09. The Burning Babe Ghost Story
10. Team Spirit
11. The Hounds Of Winter
12. Cherry Tree Carol
13. Balulalow
14. Bethlehem Down Coventry Carol
15. Lullaby For An Anxious Child
16. I Saw Three Ships
17. You Only Cross My Mind In Winter

Sting: A Winter's Night... The Documentary

Sting: A Winter s Night...the Documentary features a behind-the-scenes look at the concert s genesis, beginning with the album recording sessions at Sting s home in the Italian countryside, leading up to the final rehearsals at Durham Cathedral. Along the way, Sting revisits places from his childhood and reunites with old friends and band mates, swapping stories and reminiscing.

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