David Bowie Black Tie White Noise

David Bowie Black Tie White Noise
Год выпуска: 2003
Продолжительность: 63 минут
Категория: Западные исполнители, Музыка
Качество записи: DVD
Цена: 118 руб.

On Saturday May 8, 1993, at the Hollywood Center Studios in Los Angeles, David Bowie was filmed performing six tracks from his latest solo album "Black Tie White Noise". These performance pieces are complemented by exclusive footage of David Bowie talking intimately to camera about his latest album, personal experiences, old and new friendships and much more.

01. Introduction
02. With Lester Bowie
03. On Reeves Gabrels
04. You've Been Around (studio)
05. Expanding And Experimenting
06. Nite Flights (studio)
07. Otherness
08. Miracle Goodnight (studio)
09. On Marriage
10. Black Tie White Noise (studio)
11. With Mick Ronson
12. I Feel Free (studio)
13. With Nile Rodgers
14. I Know It's Going To Happen Someday (studio)
15. Miracle Goodnight (promo)
16. Jump They Say (promo)
17. Black Tie White Noise (promo)
18. Credits

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